Our School
The Chapel of Awareness is a church and an academic institution. It is operated under the auspices of the Chapel of Awareness Spiritual Church Corporation, which is chartered in the State of California. All certificates and licenses are therefore recognized.
If you desire to obtain papers in ministry, healing, mediumship, speaking and/or teaching, The Chapel of Awareness offers a ministerial ordination that covers licensing in all these areas. We invite students who wish to develop their gifts for their own personal benefit!
We understand that every individual is developing their spiritual and psychic awareness at a pace that is appropriate for them. Everyone is supported in developing their awareness and abilities in a non-competitive atmosphere. Classes are designed to enable students to explore and realize their potential through defined exercises, sharing, and journaling.
In The Beginning
Our Beginning Lecture Series is our Prerequisite Course to enter all our ongoing classes. This 11 series course is an introduction to Spiritualism, the practice of Healing, Meditating, Applying Spiritual Law to one's every day life, Communicating with Spirit Side, and Developing Psychic Abilities.
Ongoing Classes
Our ongoing classes are both in-person and virtual; and we host them during the school year on Tuesdays at 7:00pm PST.
Psychic Development School
Our Psychic Development School is in person, and designed for students who have completed the Beginning Lecture Series. In these classes, our clergy presents helpful practices and exercises for students to develop their ability to: sense and differentiate vibrations, practice healing on self and others, control the mind, advance intuition, and connect to Spirit.
Our Psychic Development School is a pathway to greater Spiritual Development, as well as licensing and ordination.
Infinity Classes
We joyfully welcome our new virtual classes! Infinity!
Any and all students, local or distant, who have completed the Beginning Lecture Series, are welcome to join our Infinity Class.
Infinity is not a path towards licensing and/or ordination. Chapel of Awareness takes great pride in integrity, and affirms in-person education is the highest and best path to licensing and ordination. Thank you!
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates